Social Security Information - Student Employment

If you did not bring your passport, birth certificate or social security card to campus with you, contact your parents or guardians and ask them to mail one of the original document to you. If you feel that this is not an option, you can apply for a free replacement card with the Social Security Administration. This can be done at the local Social Security Office, or online through the Social Security Administration website if you have a driver’s license from states that are eligible. To see which states are eligible, visit the Social Security Administration website

If you are eligible to request a replacement Social Security Card online you will need to login/create a My Social Security Account directly from the Social Security Administration. Please only use this link from the Social Security Administration and do not use any other websites or internet searches.

You may also apply for a free replacement Social Security card at any Social Security Administration office. The office closest to campus is located at 1834 W. Cary Street (about 15 minutes from campus).

When you apply for a replacement card the SSA will issue you a receipt. With this, you can start working as soon as you return to Student Employment with your receipt and complete the rest of your paperwork.
