'Illegitimate son' Danney Williams calls for 'dad' Bill Clinton to take a paternity test on eve of F

Bill Clinton's allegedly illegitimate son, Danney Williams, is longing for a relationship with the former president, whom he lovingly calls his "dad."

Williams is backing calls for Clinton to take a paternity test to legitimately prove or disprove his assertion this Father's Day, reported American Mirror.

Williams retweeted a post by Top Notch expert CEO Carl Barvensky Paul, who is urging President Donald Trump to get Clinton to do a DNA test using his "presidential power".

“I’m willing to pay for the test including a $20k donation on your next campaign,” Paul said in his tweet.

Williams also shared another tweet from Right Chick, who has also called for Clinton to take the paternity test.

“In doing so,” she wrote on Twitter, “one of two things will happen:

Williams made an emotional plea to former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and other members of his alleged family at the National Press Club just days before the 2016 election.

“I also want to take this opportunity to appeal to my step-mom, Hillary Clinton,” Williams said.

“She has the power to have Bill Clinton provide a DNA sample,” which Danney is attempting to procure through legal action.

“I heard Hillary say she spent her life helping children. If black lives truly matter to her, why not mine?” he said.

“Why don’t you care about me, Hillary? Are you embarrassed about me? Hillary, are you ashamed of me? I am black, I am real,” he said, appearing emotional.

“Hillary, please don’t deny my existence. You are my step-mother, Chelsea is my sister, Bill Clinton is my father,” Williams said.

“Please just step up at this time and treat me like the equal member of your family.

“I heard her say before it takes a village to raise a kid, I just want her to accept me in her village today,” Williams said.

The reportedly estranged son is asking for access to the infamous blue dress that became  notorious prop in the whole Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, according to a letter he wrote to the former intern's attorneys.

According to the letter posted by InfoWars, Williams wrote to Lewinsky: “There is one other way the question of whether Bill Clinton is my father would be by obtaining a small, complete and valid DNA sample from your blue dress, which multiple news sources reported has been preserved." 

“I respectfully request you provide the sample of genetic matter we require so that we may match it with my own sample.”

The 27-year-old even claimed to share a kinship with Lewinsky in another section of the letter.

“I was not surprised to learn that Hillary called you a ‘stalker’ and much, much worse. Hillary Clinton abused us both. I call out to you for your help,” he wrote.

Last year around the same time, the self-proclaimed love child of Clinton wrote a Father's Day message for the erstwhile president on Twitter.

"Even though you abandoned me and only took care of Chelsea, I still want to thank you for giving me life. Happy Father's Day @BillClinton," he wrote.

"I'm not looking for sympathy nor welfare, I just wish you didn't forget about me @billclinton. #BillClintonSon #ClintonKid."

Back then, Williams claimed that a former prostitute, Bobbie Ann, who met Clinton in Little Rock, Arkansas, in late 1984 is his biological mother. According to his claims, Clinton got her pregnant after meeting her over 13 times as governor.

At the time, he also suggested that Chelsea Clinton was a love child as well, born out of Hillary's affair with Webster Hubbell, a former Associate Attorney General and Chief Justice of Arkansas' Supreme Court. Clinton allegedly had an affair with him when he worked with her at the Rose Law Firm.

Williams posted an image of Chelsea alongside Hubbell and another of himself alongside Clinton, and captioned it: "We can't end Father's Day without the truth."

Prior to posting that tweet, he told his followers that he had to work on Sunday.

"I hope everyone is having a wonderful Father's Day. Unfortunately, I had to work," wrote Williams, and then added: "#BillClintonSon."

Williams claimed that his paternity was an open secret in the state of Arkansas and even posted a video back in October of 2016 explaining why he believed Clinton was his father.

"Everywhere I went, they pointed out: 'It's Bill Clinton's son right there. You look like him, don't you? The ears, the mouth, the chin, the teeth, the eyes, the nose'. I see him in me," said Williams.

"You can see a black Bill Clinton. When I'm brushing my hair I can see Bill Clinton with waves in his hair."

He then went on to pour his heart out about Clinton's refusal to acknowledge him as his son.

"I always feel bad about him not wanting to be in my life. Was it because I was black? Was there something wrong with me? Why do you not want to be a part of me?" said Williams. 

"It made me even think of sometimes suicide."

In a shocking claim, Williams also asserted that a state trooper sent by Clinton would bring his mother $700 every month in cash until he took the office of president. However, these allegations have been denied by the Clinton campaign.

Williams shot down a DNA test that allegedly proved Clinton was not his father. He tweeted immediately after the news broke, saying: "There was never a DNA test, stop believing everything y'all read."

In the aforementioned video that Williams posted that October, he revealed that he has already told his children that their grandfather is none other than Bill Clinton.

"Recently I have been telling my kids that their grandfather was the president of the United States and they're amazed by it, they're like "No. Is it for real?" I tell them yes, he is my father and I will make sure you get to meet him one day," said Williams. 

As of the moment, none of the family members of the Clinton family, including Bill, Hillary, or Chelsea, have publicly acknowledged their relationship to Williams.
